1. | Choucri, N., & Agarwal, G. (2022). Complexity of international law for cyber operations (Research Paper No. 2022-x). MIT Political Science Department. |
2. | Choucri, N. (2021). Framework for an artificial intelligence international accord. In N. A. Tuan (Ed.), Remaking the world: Toward an age of global enlightenment (pp.27–44). Boston Global Forum, United Nations Academic Impact. |
3. | Choucri, N., & Agarwal, G. (2021). Complexity of international law for cyber operations. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST),1–7. |
4. | Choucri, N., Fairman, L. M., & Agarwal, G. (2021). CyberIR@MIT: Knowledge for Science, Policy, Practice (Research Paper No. 2021-1). MIT Political Science Department. |
5. | Huang, K., Madnick, S., Choucri, N., & Zhang, F. (2021). A systematic framework to understand transnational governance for cybersecurity risks from digital trade. Global Policy, 1–14. |
6. | Klemas, T., Lively, R., Atkins, S., & Choucri, N. (2021). Accelerating cyber acquisitions: Introducing a time-driven approach to manage risks with less delay. The ITEA Journal of Test and Evaluation, 42, 194-202. |
7. | Huang, K., Madnick, S., & Choucri, N. (2020). Building global digital supply chain hub by cybersecurity commitment: Singapore’s strategic role in the digital age. Global Policy (GP) Opinion. |
8. | Dukakis, M., Vīķe-Freiberga, V., Cerf, V., Choucri, N., Lagumdzija, Z., Nguyen, T. A., Patterson, T., Pentland, A., Rotenberg, M., & Silbersweig, D. (2020). Social contract for the AI age. AI World Society. |
9. | Choucri, N., & Agarwal, G. (2019). Securing the long-chain of cyber-physical global communication infrastructure. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). |
10. | Choucri, N., Agarwal, G., & Koutsoukos, K. (2018). Policy-governed secure collaboration: Toward analytics for cybersecurity of cyber-physical systems [Conference Session]. SoS Lablet Kickoff and Quarterly Meeting, March 13-14, 2018, Laboratory for Telecommunications Sciences (LTS) 8080 Greenmead Dr., College Park, MD. |
11. | Dukakis, M., Choucri, N., Cytryn, A., Jones, A., Nguyen, T. A., Patterson, T., Reveron, D., & Silbersweig, D. (2018). The AIWS 7-layer model to build next generation democracy(BGF-G7 Summit 2018 Report). The Boston Global Forum. |
12. | Dukakis, M., Nguyen, T. A., Choucri, N., & Patterson, T. (2018). The concept of AI-government: Core concepts for the design of AI-government(Concept Paper). Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation. |
13. | Klemas, T., Lively, R., & Choucri, N. (2018). Cyber acquisition: Policy changes to drive innovation in response to accelerating threats incyberspace. Proceedings of the CyCon U.S. 2018, 103–120. |
14. | Choucri, N. (2017). The new normal. The Mark News , June 13. |
15. | Choucri, N. & Agarwal, G. (2017). Analytics for smart grid cybersecurity. IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), 1–3. |
16. | Choucri, N., & Agarwal, G. (2017). The theory of lateral pressure: Highlights of quantification and empirical analysis. In W. R. Thompson (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Empirical International Relations Theory. Oxford University Press. |
17. | Choucri, N., Madnick, S. E., & Koepke, P. (2017). Institutions for cyber security: International responses and data sharing initiatives (MIT CISL Working Paper No 6). MIT Sloan Management School. |
18. | Choucri, N. (2016). Emerging trends in cyberspace: Dimensions and dilemmas. In P. Williams, & D. Fiddner (Eds.), Cyberspace: Malevolent actors, criminal opportunities, and strategic competition (pp. 53–74). U.S. Army War College Press. |
19. | Choucri, N. (2016). Introduction. H-Diplo/ISSF Roundtable Reviews, XI(7), 2–3. |
20. | Choucri, N., & Agarwal, G. (2016). The theory of lateral pressure highlights of quantification & empirical analysis (ECIR Working Paper No. 2016-2). MIT Political Science Department. |
21. | Choucri, N., & Jackson C. (Eds.). (2016). Perspectives on cybersecurity: A collaborative study (ECIR Working Paper No. 2016-1). MIT Political Science Department. |
22. | Ramirez, R., & Choucri, N. (2016). Improving interdisciplinary communication with standardized cyber security terminology: A literature review. IEEE Access, 4, 2216-2243. |
23. | Choucri, N. (2015). Explorations in international relations (Final Program Report ver. 1.2). MIT Political Science Department. |
24. | Basuchoudhary, A., & Choucri, N. (2014). The evolution of network based cybersecurity norms: An analytical narrative. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 15 th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI 2014), Redwood City, CA, 646-653. |
25. | Choucri, N. (2014). Cyberpolitics in international relations. In J. Krieger (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to International Relations. Oxford University Press. |
26. | Choucri, N., Madnick, S., & Ferwerda, J. (2014). Institutions for cyber security: International responses and global imperatives. Information Technology for Development, 20(2), 96–121. |