Given that well over 90 percent of all internet traffic flows through undersea cable networks The full security of the entire global communication “long chain,” remains a major source of concern. The Figure below presents a global view of networks and landing points.

GLOBAL NETWORK OF UNDERSEA COMMUNICATION CABLES AND LANDING POINTS. Source: Choucri, N., & Agarwal, G. (2019). Securing the long-chain of cyber-physical global communication infrastructure
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), 1–7.
This research project is designed as a foundation for a major initiative to address all feature of the “long chain”. In the course of this pre-analysis phase, we explored the empirical foundations and presented some illustrative data.
In so doing, we develop a multi-method research design for the analysis of long-chain systems of information and/or communications technology, infrastructure, services, ownership, providers, and networks—both within a state and outside its jurisdiction—all essential for unimpeded global operations. The result is a “proof-of-concept” study that identifies the data requirements essential to support end-to-end integrated research. Preliminary results on Securing the Long-Chain of Cyber-Physical Global Communication Infrastructure are available in Choucri and Agarwal (2019).
- Choucri, N., & Agarwal, G. (2019). Securing the long-chain of cyber-physical global communication infrastructure. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), 1–7.